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Balancing Hormones Naturally

Women's Health and Hormones — such as estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, thyroid, and cortisol — affect many aspects of your overall health. So when your hormones are out of whack, your life is out of whack! You just do not feel like yourself. Let's get you back to being you!!


Are you dreading your monthly period because you get gut-wrenching cramps, mood swings, and bloating that slows you down at the office and makes you just want to crawl into bed?

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Are you shedding your hair and watching your ponytail get thinner and not knowing why?


Have you lost that loving feeling? Sex is the last thing on your mind (honestly, all you want to do is go to sleep), but your lack of interest is starting to cause stress in your relationship.


Do you have belly fat that just won't budge, even with cutting back on calories and exercising more? It is so frustrating to stand in your closet every morning trying to find something that fits!


Are you tired of dragging yourself out of bed in the morning (after pressing snooze a couple of times) and then finding yourself reaching for caffeine or sugar in the afternoon because of an energy crash? 


Chances are, as we have seen with many of our clients, you could be struggling with a hormone imbalance and don't even know it!


Don't be held hostage by your hormones one more day…

Understanding The Endocrine System

Hormones such as estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, thyroid, and cortisol are chemical messengers – they tell your cells what to do. When your hormones are out of balance, your cells are getting the wrong messages! No wonder you're not quite feeling like yourself. 


Your hormones influence hunger and cravings, whether you burn or store fat (and WHERE you store the fat!), your sleep, mood, memory, sex drive and so much more!


Your various hormones work together kind of like a symphony, so they all need to be playing in tune!


If even just one of your hormones is "out of tune," this creates imbalances that can lead to widespread health issues ranging from chronic fatigue to low metabolism and reduced libido.

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